Products shipped from the warehouse can only be shipped in Canada. Shipping is provided by Canada Post, and other carriers that are independent of us. Consequently, cannot be held responsible for any delay, or lateness in the shipment and delivery of orders.
Many of the the products available from our sponsored partners can be shipped to the US and sometimes other countries. Please refer to their own shipping policies for details.
The cost of shipping for products shipped from the warehouse is not included in the price of the products. The cost of shipping is calculated by the shopping cart based on the total weight and size of the package, the distance of the delivery address, and shipping method.
The shipping cost calculated by our shopping cart is based on major city hubs and surroundings. An additional amount for the cost of shipping may be required for deliveries in remote areas, and destinations requiring air deliveries. In such a case, we will contact you with the exact cost of shipping.
If a parcel is returned to us because you entered your address incorrectly, we will automatically charge you for the fee incurred from the carrier to return the parcel, and the cost of shipping to the correct address. In the event of cancelling the order, we will deduct from the refund, the initial cost of shipping, the carrier fee for the retur of the parcel to us, and a restocking fee of 20% of the total value of the order.
In the event a correction of address is made possible by the carrier during transit, a $12.00 fee per parcel will be charge to your credit card.
There is no refund if a parcel is returned to us damaged, or if the returned parcel is lost.
Despite a large product inventory, the high demand for products and circumstances beyond our control may on occasion delay the delivery of your order. Most orders are shipped in a single delivery. In the event of a back order, we will inform you and arrange a partial shipment if necessary.
Placing an order does not guarantee shipment. We may at times not have certain items in stock and reserve the right to cancel or modify orders depending on availability.
Once we have started processing an order, any cancellation received by the customer is subject to a 20% cancellation fee calculated on the total amount of the invoice. There is a no cancellation on special orders, specially made to order items, candy buffet supplies, favour supplies, and gift packages.
In the event that an order is received and there is a discrepancy as to a missing item, a claim must be submitted within two business days of physical receipt as determined by carrier tracking. We will compare items ordered as well as physical weight of the package and issue a store credit accordingly.
Some items are more fragile than others. Despite all efforts to package them carefully, we cannot guarantee there will be no breakage during the shipment.
We select carriers that are recognized for the quality and reliability of their services. When receiving your parcel, please verify the overall state of the box. If you suspect any damage resulting from transport, immediately indicate this on the shipping slip to facilitate any claim that is to be addressed with the shipping company. is not responsible and will not refund or replace products damaged in delivery, and/or product damaged due to extremes in temperature.
All return/refund requests must be made to within 5 business days of receipt of the order (determined by carrier tracking) and must be authorized by customer service in advance. To protect our customers’ health and safety, only accepts returns of non-edible items that have not been open, used, or damaged. Refunds for returns exclude shipping costs, and the customer is responsible for shipping the products back to us in their original condition. A 20% restocking fee will be applied to all returns.
No return, exchange, or refund on edible items, special ordered items, specially made to order items, candy buffet supplies, favour supplies, gift packages. No refunds for products returned without prior approval.
If we make any mistakes with your order, we will take full responsibility. Simply contact us within 5 business days of receiving your order, as we cannot approve any requests for refunds/reships after such time.