The very old tradition of giving small gifts to guests at wedding is to show appreciation and gratitude. The first wedding favours amongst European aristocrats were believed to be called bonbonnieres, a small container filled with cubes of sugar or delicate confections. As the price of sugar decreased throughout the centuries, the tradition of giving gifts at wedding increased and became a very popular thing to do.
Introduced in the thirteenth century, sugar cubes were replaced by sugar coated almonds, known as confetti. In modern day wedding, the five confetti almonds still represent for the newlyweds the five wishes of fertility, longevity, wealth, health, happiness, and is also a reminder of the bitter sweetness of married life.
Nowadays, this wedding tradition has evolved to complement the theme, colour, style, or season of the event. Confetti almonds are still being used to fill up bags, boxes, and tins, but new ideas keep coming up from newlyweds desiring to offer their guests something unusual.